Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Night In Bethlehem...West Jordan Style

It was a wonderful night in Bethlehem...

We had our ward party last night. This is the Christmas party that I had in mind after I did last years ward party. I am so glad that I got to stay around and see my "vision" play out for the evening. Most wards do something like this at least once, but our ward has never done it. It is a huge on taking, but I knew that it could be done.

Here is the census area where you signed the census and paid your taxes (can of food) before entering the market.

Most people came dressed in period wear.

At the end of the evening Mary and Joseph made there way through the market and then onto stage.

Everyone brought blankets to sit on to eat their meal.

Roman Soldier

We had great food at the market. Chicken salad sandwiches, pita bread, hummus. (was at this booth)

A full view of the market.

This is a picture I took before anyone arrived and before the food was brought out. You can see our well in the middle of the market street. We served water at the well. There were booths lining both sides of the street.

This was the fruit, cheese, veggi, and olive booth. We also had a bakery booth, where sweet breads and cookies were served.

We all had a great time. Our committee was so glad to be done with all the heavy planning and worrying.

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