Friday, January 29, 2010

It's All Cute At 14 Months

Clover is now 14 months old!!! She says tons of stuff and is just a high energy girl. She is VERY strong willed and demanding. NO means YES to her. If she does not get what she wants, she will yell at the top of her lungs. If she gets angry she pulls what we call "THE HULK". She will clutch her fists and grit her teeth and shake herself! Yes, we have a VERY spirited girl on our hands. She is very much a momma's girl still. She calls Connor "Bubba" (for Brother). Her favorite shows are Wonder Pets, Mickey Mouse, Ni-ho Kilan. Her new thing this week is climbing up and into her own high chair (which I don't let her do).
Clover is the joy of my life. I just love her so much.

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