Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dinner with Great Grandparents

My grandparents drove from Michigan to Utah last week. We had a big family dinner. As you can see we are missing in this photo all the husbands. Camilla's was taking the photo, Mason was on his way home from the airport, and Charlotte's had to work. Everyone else is there.

My kids with their great grandparents LUTZ.
I love my grandma and grandpa Lutz. We lived next to them when I grew up as a child in MI. I have special memories of them. My grandparents were there in my day to day life. That is something most kids do get to have. It was wonderful. Memories of my grandpa working in his cherry orchard. Or my grandma, pulling weeds in her garden in her swimsuit. Walking next door to get popsicles on a hot summer day, hearing my grandpa whistle as he walked, or hopping on the back of my grandpa's red truck as he was driving up the long dirt driveway. I have a thousand wonderful little bits of memory like that of them.
All the cousins.

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