Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Great Escape Attempt

Mason went into get Clover up this morning and found this...I grabbed my camera.

Clover ended up taking a nose dive back into her crib. Can I just say I just can't deal with Clover not sleeping in her crib anymore. Any shread of sanity that I have left from dealing with Little Miss Naughty, will be gone.


Camilla said...

Oh Amy! I'm SOO sorry, that Sucks so bad. I've think I lucked out with Q never even trying to climb out of her crib. Good luck trying to do the toddler bed

Buell Fam said...

Oh that's a bummer - it's nice to have them stuck in the crib until we are ready for them. I have always used sleepsacks and so my Aubrey never even attempted to climb out because she didn't have enough room in the sack to climb.