Friday, October 30, 2009

School Halloween Party

It has been years since I got to go to the school to help with the parties. I got to go this year. Connor was happy to have me. School parade.

They played some fun games. This one is the kids spun a large web around themselves.

They decorated cookies- of coarse Connor got sick to his stomach after eating it. Connor gets sick if he eats to much sweets.

I thought this was very interesting to share with you all. EVERY SINGLE CHILD HAS THEIR OWN COMPUTER ON THEIR DESK! They have no school books. Math, English ect is all done on the computer. The teacher tells them in their free time to search the websites to learn about different topics of interest. So that is what the kids do. If they want to learn about spiders or sharks they just start browsing. The teacher expects all words spelled correct, because they can just look it up on the computer.

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